Issue 22 Letter from the Editor



Bring the photos to life

Photography is at the core of what this magazine is. We work hard to write high quality interviews, travel stories, and race reports, but it is the photography that brings it all together and makes it sing. This is now our third Photo Annual issue, and the imagery produced by the photographers in the downhill skate scene never ceases to amaze me. The stories captured in each image are of far off, exotic places, dramatic wins and losses, and daring descents.

It’s fun to get lost in these glimpses of other worlds and other stories, but it’s equally important to go out and create your own. Enjoy the images in these pages, but don’t get caught up thinking the grass is greener on the other side. Instead, use them to fuel your fire to go out and create your own story. While you’re at it, snap some photos of your own to share the stoke.

In the end, spreading that excitement to skate is the whole purpose of this magazine. The stories and photos in these pages are all the direct result of our personal adventures, and the best we can hope for is that they inspire you to create your own.

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